Stupid Brain

I saw my sister's urungus once and my dad beat me with a belt. Oy.  It wasn't even that huge.


Well, it beats being a meth slave to a Nazi drug gang.  Come to think of it, anything beats that.

Sounds comparable to sitting through a two hour root canal with a dentist who is also psychotically violent for no reason.

"You gotta do right by the series, man, or you'll do wrong to yourself, y'understand, you silly sad little PUNK?  It's ME that wants to kill you but I will kill MYSELF with this bottle first if I can, you sad, silly spunk.. er..punk!"

I've seen pics of the actors and you couldn't  tell they played those parts.. Well, badger looks like badger but SP looks like a preppy.

I was just glad we had one more Badger & Skinny Pete appearance.  If there is a God, those two characters should get their own show.

That would have been a fitting ending.. like the end of The Shining, w/ Jack Torrance frozen like a statue.

Fuck Todd.

You have a head cannon?

But.. it still isn't cool..

*vomits quietly*

Me too!

Breaking Bayer, starring a porn star's amputed butt.  New this fall!


Oh, you mean when Arcade Fire did 'Reflektor'.  (You joke, I explain.)

Also, a butterfly.   (Not included.)

I'm baffled no one from "Cop Rock" got mentioned…

Dammit!  I knew I was doing it wrong all this time…

I need candy, any kind'll do,  Don't care if it's nutritious or "FDA approved".