Zombies Rise from the Sea

Revolutionaries; we may have had our differences but we've had one thing in common. This show and it saddens me to see that coverage is dropping off like flies. I don't know if I should believe in the people who tell me that the show is not worth saving or believe in the avid fans who think that there is a way to save

Okay… Few things.

God does not use Jesus as a way to create miracles, he uses him as a way to spread the word. God can also heal the weak and make miracles happen but they can also take away in the form of disasters.

So I'm starting up a Revolution podcast that's not going to be critical of the show but analytical of the show and I need anybody who has a webcam and Skype to step up; I'd like Les Chapell to do this but I fear he may be out of reach so I'm going to go for the next big thing which is one of you in the comments

To be honest the nanite sentience arc has got to be the worst in the series; it's nothing more than a bunch of faith mumbo jumbo that has been done before. We've seen the opposing sides (nanites can be used for deceptive purposes, Aaron doesn't want them to be decieved) and we've even seen that they're everywhere,

I'm amazed at your ability to avoid the previews for the next episode; that definitely screams integrity right there.

News alert! Acronym meanings mean nothing.

If PAX gets rolled out then I'm guessing that our heroes are going to have a tough time against them, unless the nanites decide to be saviors and eliminate the PAX in their blood.

He must of had chick goggles on and thought Miles and Monroe were chicks themselves. XD

So let's discuss; what were those patriots injecting into those oranges?

I agree, but at least he's trying to get it back and if he does get the nanites back then god help us all.

You kidding, it's one of the most easiest things to do. Especially considering the attempted humor and attempted heart and "originality" of the episode. In fact it takes me the length of 30 minutes to review one episode.

You know… If you want to save the show there has to be a forum of discussion; right now this AV Club review and GateWorld are the only sources we have.

It's because Aaron wants to live a normal life; one where he doesn't want to worry about nanites killing people, one where he doesn't want all the weight. The nanites came back because his emotions called for it but when he wanted them to heal her, that was the breaking point; that was when they saw the creator as the

Also there needs to be more discussion of the show; at least GateWorld understands the aspect of the show and is willing to discuss it, and not just mystery; characters, religious implications, meaning, definitions.

Last episode of the month. Gotta make this count.

I kind of agree; then again there was an attempt to stop the nukes which failed due to the fact that the computer crashed. We still don't know whether or not it was due to faulty technology or the nanites that did it but we do know some attempt was made in order to stop it, whether the nanites are sentient enough to

78% of that is correct but I doubt there is any proof that the Tower can be used for anything now. Aaron destroyed it with his mind; therefore it is up to him to restart the power depending on whether or not he can get control of the nanites.

This was disapointing. I was expecting this episode to dwell into Monroe and what he did wrong but instead it was a mishmash of "who set Monroe up?" and "we have to save him" Those scenes could of easily been replaced with scenes where a trail was happening and Monroe was forced to pay for his old actions. I mean he

A- is essentially a 9.0/10 and they're praising it as if it was the greatest sci-fi series on television. There is a world outside of AV Club if you haven't noticed, I've seen people on Television Without Pity trashing this show.