Zombies Rise from the Sea

I review the series, it's mediocre. It's not bad but I'm not convinced this is the "greatest series in the world". I'm not saying it'll never get better, I'm just saying that they're not attempting to fix the flaws.

Remember dramas like "The Walking Dead" and "Breaking Bad"? Notice the increase gore and mature content throughout the season when the First Season was relatively tame in violence.


The pilot was never good; it was just an illusion created by aliens. It sucked because it had poor acting (especially from Tracy), generic lines ("Put it Down, Now!"), a poor premise and the whole "What caused the blackout" thing. Science people easily poked holes at Revolution from a distance, it was obvious what

I never knew Aaron had this power before being healed; he isn't a superhero per say but just an ordinary guy who was chosen. This makes me think, anybody think that it was Aaron that caused the nanites to destroy the equipment in The Tower?

He's right; you can't truly expect the show to get better at all, it's a continual mess which is praised because it got slightly better. They're not making an effort to be better at all more than continuing to dumb down stuff for an audience that's willing to accept it; keep in mind that people praised Revolution

I still believe the fireflies are sentient; they're planning Aaron to be their leader by giving them all these powers.

Same here, but that doesn't stop me from getting it up at 12AM or earlier than that. I write these reviews for GateWorld so it's essential I write them fast or not at all.

If there really was a rogue faction of the government than that would mean that they would have to estimate the amount of damage it would cause and the amount of rebuilding they would have to do; something that would cost a lot of resources and a lot of work to do. I'm still interested in their plan though…

Rachel's performance was the best part of the episode as she was utilized the most, everything was underutilized from Charlie's plot to Aaron's plot (despite him being Lord of the Nanites which I believe was underutilized mainly because it was hinting at future plot hints, not character hints.) to even Nevil's plot

I wouldn't count protection as love; there was only one genuine affliction of love and that was from the Pastor and his wife, seeing Monroe protect Charlie or Neville try to gain vengeance against his wife is something that could be misconstrued as a deep thread. I don't believe these writers are deep enough to

I have to say; the unexpectance of the suicide was mainly for story reasons. I mean how else could they have a conundrum where they need to get as many people out as possible? I also blame the wife for not talking about the situation as much; she only gave a few brief hints and considering what the Patriots told us,

Realistic depiction of the world is only one of my flaws Mr. Picklebuneyes. I've carefully watched the story and analyzed Aaron and other pivotal characters and I think it's not worthy of all the praise it's being given. Aaron's plot is the only thing the show has going for it and the only thing different is that they

Apparently controversy outsells episode quality; this episode is not good because it's harsh, it's not good because it's not good. If you look past the shock and glamor, you'll find a rehashed episode with recycled political commentary,  dated pop culture references and a lack of appeal to even it's most hardcore fans.

Well said.