Oh, and
no one will ever encapsulate the process by which the creative process is perverted than the committee scene from the Poochy episode of the Simpsons.
Oh, and
no one will ever encapsulate the process by which the creative process is perverted than the committee scene from the Poochy episode of the Simpsons.
This movie sounds great
but I am fricking confused as to the wider purpose of this blog post. Was it to alert us to this movie's existence, question us as to why it was unsuccessful, or bait the trolls with the very mention of Judd Apatow?
who the hell called Buffy a smg vehicle???
Her wooden acting was one of the few blots on the show's shining visage. And once she got anorexic-thin she wasn't even hot anymore.
btw, this is the first year…
…that I've felt like there's actually more on TV worth watching than I'm willing to commit to. Thank God Chuck, Moonlight, Heroes and some others have been such horrible, bitter, shattering disappointments.
I too feel the fear
…but I find it's faded. I discovered The Wire existed when its fourth season was running, and now I've seen every episode. THAT was nice, having three seasons of The Wire to smash into your head orgiastically. I ignored Friday Night Lights until halfway through the season, then got it all. Now I…
If Amelie isn't reading those comments, I'll have to come up with some other way of shyly seeking her attention.
Sorry for the flaming
The point I was getting at is I read. I also don't play alot of Xbox, as you might have gleaned from the fact that I only commented on two games from the original Xbox, and several PC-only games. In fact, my love for games springs entirely from my love for prose (except for a small part that…
I'm not saying it ended, but the centre of mass of the genre is definitely all about how Lance Starfighter and his fightin crew are going to get out of this one.
my name is a pimp named slickback
This and Battlestar Galactica are the axis my life turns on.
As a lover of Thief, SS2, Half Life, Deus Ex, and a million other narrative-driven storyline, I have to say that I found Halo and Halo 2 genuinely compelling. Yes, the dialogue is pretty shitty, but most great games have some real clunkers thrown in.
Another reason for homelessness is unemployability due to extremely poor literacy skills. Just so you're aware.
she's fucking loaded
… of course I would do her.
This is like the girls' equivalent of a Meg White thread. I just want to go on record and say this guy can't drum for shit (probably).
i hate critics
I never did an apprenticeship, but if the toilet starts spewing sewage a day after it's put it, I know the plumber fucked it.
nothing clever
I wanted to post something along those lines about Doakes, but I see you've beaten me by about eight hours. Doakes is obviously recognising a fellow trained killer in Dexter. Does Doakes have to die if he finds out? Well, not if he thinks it's a good idea, and we already know he not only thinks along…
oh, and as for doakes
I think what Doakes is trying to do is unbalance Dexter, causing him to expose himself through the mere uncertainty of whether he's being watched or not, which as you can see from the last two episodes, is working. Certainly the fact that Dexter rushes off to kill someone EVERY TIME Doakes stops…
Station chief
I agree, this new character is incredibly annoying, but I have an incredible ability to phase irritating television out of my consciousness acquired from behind married to a reality television lover.
I have traced the culprit. AV Club you greedy whores, I demand you take this site off digg.com right now.
Here is a complete list of reliable British news organisations.
like the British.