
What reasonable people disagree over torture?
Anyone who thinks torture is a good intelligence collection technique is either ignorant or willfully neglecting facts.

I will not be seeing this movie
because I believe it is wrong to funnel still more money to the international vampire conspiracy.

Some years in retrospect.

I hate this less than I hated it yesterday.
I still hate multiple pages for comments though. I'd much rather have one initial load than a load every 50 comments.

I hate the new comments system.
I hate it. I will be letting you know this regularly from now on.

the fuck did i do?
Just had to say that.

You really need some help with this confounding "logic" thing.

Can I just say
Seeing McNulty in that green bloodstained turd 300 was very painful for me.

It turns out that Stringer Bell is McNulty's father.

The popularity of Legend of Zelda is final, conclusive proof that gamers aren't homophobic.

after the wire
I'm now pessimistic at best about the prospects of someone who created something great going on to anything either decent or longlasting, but I dearly hope this particular cat succeeds. Think the degree to which Firefly was better than Buffy, only on a network that doesn't keep an eye out for quality so

Jason Heller
is carrying Peter Wentz's lovechild.

Jason Heller
is carrying Peter Wentz's lovechild.

of course he's clever
You have to be clever to come up with a business model that's protected by the constitution.

Blowback from the swipe at Weird Al!

from now on this must always be referred to
as The Increasingly Horrible-Sounding Star Trek Prequel.

The Bible was significantly edited in the 11th century, removing strictures against alcohol and the eating of meat, and references to progressive taxation and the equality of women.

Christianity did not civilise the world. Civilisation spread out in either direction from the cradle of humanity, through the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire and China. The Romans got infected with Jesusism, and the Persians received Muslimism. Like valuing gold for no particular reason, it's a price we paid

I agree that the VBM can be folded nicely into the show.

taking a song and replacing the lyrics
is not humour.