
supporting the troops
Also, to Winebot and any of the rest of you righties who think "we support the troops" is an argument, go and fuck yourself. You supported the troops by making up a real war for fake reasons, sending 1/3 the troops required because you wanted tax cuts for millionaires, not giving them body armour

Hey, I just had a look over this comments thread, and winebot has now been throwing himself on grenades for the great Bill O'Reilly, and defending "fag" as an adjective, for 6 1/2 hours. From his posts, I've gained the impression that he writes for the New Yorker, or is working to cure cancer or something, and

This is a sports metaphor. What I'm referring to is the massive attacks generally on celebrities, such as referring to Sarah Jessica Parker as having a face like a foot. Or that one where Alyssa Milano briefly appeared in live action saying "lousy cheap shot". I love that shit.

A horrible dystopia where the sky is blue, up is up and the President is an idiot. Also, here American Psycho was a rubbish movie and if you named yourself after it you'd be ridiculed.

Oh, and that thing you guys are doing with all the simpsons references
It's not cool. You can tell it's not cool because me and all my friends were doing it when we were fifteen, and we were very uncool fifteen year olds. Broaden your horizons. Hey, since you're writing this rather than just riffing it out, go Terry

Family guy superior, autobots inferior
I can't believe the hackfest that is The Simpsons is getting an easier time than Family Guy.

The movie you describe in your second paragraph would rock. I want to see Sinatra pistol whip a hooker to death while Sammy Davis Jr. obliviously snorts cocaine and Dean Martin vomits on himself on the couch. Why? Because that would allow me to pretend the incredibly rich and talented lead horrible empty

Kirsten Bell…
is clearly a case of Sarah Michelle Gellar disease. The blond hottie stars in a groundbreaking cult tv show, and the reflected glory grants her a status which she transmits to any other project she works on, despite having little or nothing to do with the reason the show was so great.
Get this people:

one thousand years!
I'm glad to see Sex and the City is back to its important work of providing employment for the mentally challenged.

The movies start out good, then God's wrath makes them crap. God takes a much softer line on homosexuality than he used to with Sodom and Gomorrah, but he's still not entirely comfortable with it. He says he doesn't mind that you do it in your bedrooms, he just wishes you wouldn't hold hands in the street. He

JIMMY fallon
I realise my posts are starting to form a familiar pattern, but Jimmy Fallon is worse than cancer. We don't get SNL in Australia, and I wasn't even aware of it for many years, so I had no explanation for how this horrible turd, or indeed many horrible unfunny turds, suddenly started getting lots of

David Lee Roth is a turbo-powered masturbation machine. His concerts primarily exist so that his fans can be rounded up and disposed of conveniently.

Ashton Kutcher
To all those asking how much to remove Ashton Kutcher from existence:
US$5000, if I think you can keep your mouth shut.

Emilio Estevez
I thought the picture looked like Michael Douglas.

I'm uncomfortable with my repeated use of the word "fairly" in the above comment. I believe I will purchase a thesaurus, or sack my editor.

Xaa and Mr Fixit1
I haven't even watched the trailers, but generally women can pull a trigger as well as anyone. Unless she's snapping their necks with jujitsu, I think it's fairly believable. There are some fairly unlikely killers in the world, and often they don't even have the courtesy to wear their black hats.

You cannot tell me that, as film geeks who love Japanese schlock with men in monster suits half-heartedly grappling with each other, we will refuse to see a movie where proper CGI dragons fuck shit up.

I love this guy on Weeds. Otherwise he smells slightly of hack. *sniff sniff*

Tell me the hysterical anti-firsters haven't convinced the AV Club to reverse the chronological order of the comments.
Having the first post say "first" is irritating only to people who spend hours washing their hands when they're clean, won't step on cracks and can't shake hands without

One day, everyone who participated in the abomination known as American Idol will be trialled and hanged for providing aid and assistance to the enemy.
Regular viewers will merely be incarcerated for the terms of their natural lives.