
"This movie is absolute bonkers! What…is…happening??!" -Jason Mantzoukas

This was an incredible Flop House, and even more incredible once I discovered that Food Fight is viewable for free on YouTube. Watching it is like seeing an animated fever dream.

You're nitpicky, but holy god you're right.  This article is just horrible.  If this is the writer they've gotten to cover the show this season, it's probably best that they just don't cover it at all.

It's hard to be too excited about them when Corgan wants you to shell out $100 for Mellon Collie and for this.  The Pisces Iscariot reissue was good except for the very head-scratching decision to replace the original Plume vocal track with a decidedly worse alternate version. 

Songs like this are the reason I'm still able to *somewhat* separate my 90's love for Smashing Pumpkins from my current realization of how much of a completely unpleasant human being Corgan is.  'Set the Ray to Jerry' has always been one of my favorite unsung Pumpkins songs.  The bass line and drumming is so lush. 

Okay, everybody go up a pants size.

Sting, Debbie Reynolds, and God.

Different strokes for different folks.  Joel and Mike had different approaches, as did the new Crow actor.  The show became more biting and sarcastic, which some people preferred and some didn't.  What never changed, thank goodness, was the obscure pop cultural references.

Agreed.  As amazing as Space Mutiny was as an episode, I still have to fast-forward the segment where Crow thought he was a Bellarian.  It took one non-funny joke and stretched it for an excruciating five minutes.  There was a segment in another episode, can't remember which one, where Crow just asked Mike repeatedly

"Here, take my jacket…"
"…it's made of lunchmeat."

This breaking of formula is much better than Pearl's time in the theater during Quest of the Delta Knights.  It was clear that they didn't know what kind of jokes to give her.  The most memorable thing she did was give the robots mints.

I wonder if there's beer on the sun…

Help, I'm falling at a 45 degree angle breaking all the laws of physiiiiiiiiics!

“America's enduring horse….. They are as American as the land itself.”
Except they aren't.  If I'm not mistaken, horses were introduced to North America in the 1600s by the Spanish.  Meh, I guess if they had to stick to completely indigenous species it would be pretty difficult.

What a godawful attempt at trolling.

What a godawful attempt at trolling.

I didn't even bother reading the article when I noticed that Teti's name wasn't at the top, and scrolling down to the comments to find out all of the 3rd grade grammar & spelling mistakes this poor substitute made, I'm happy that I didn't read it.

I didn't even bother reading the article when I noticed that Teti's name wasn't at the top, and scrolling down to the comments to find out all of the 3rd grade grammar & spelling mistakes this poor substitute made, I'm happy that I didn't read it.

Ultra-defensiveness?  I don't see ultra-defensiveness.  I see people trying to explain to you what drag culture is while you aggresively try to ignore the lesson.  Drag Race is a quality show because it is entertaining, edited well, has layers of humor that you're not going to find in most other reality shows (or

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who immediately went to Chopped.  There are so many similarities that I wonder if it's not the same producers.  The mystery basket, the 'pantry' with rolls of fabric, the phrase "you have been cut" (i.e. "you have been chopped")…it's all so eerily familiar.  But so much less fun.