
The editors took everything they learned from doing Project Accessory and used it to its full effect here.  Which means they now know how to dissect anything that seems like a genuine moment.

Mr. Teti, thank you for the service you have done for the internets.  Your recaps were the only reason I continued to watch the horrid second season of Work of Art, and without your wit on display here I don't know if I can continue with this show (but I'll give whoever replaces you the benefit of the doubt for now).

Yeah, these columns are so much fun to read.  I don't know if it would fit here, but I'd love to get some AV Clubber's thoughts on my favorite late-night infomercial, Shop Erotic.  Those two ladies make selling butt plugs seem effortless.

That long nose IS pretty hot…

Agreed.  I see clips of the game and all I think of is Q-Bert with sexual tension.

May I amend your suggestion of 'Worst Game' nominations to 'Most Disappointing Game', because that has more raw emotion connected to it (otherwise we could just mention shovelware games for the Wii until the grass grows around our feet).

Hold on now.  Before we dive too headlong into this renewed love-fest of the panel show, might I remind you all of a little something called The Dating Ref?

Well, it was a boring season but at least they made the right choice in the end.  I'm honestly amazed at how quickly Kymia can churn out those detailed drawings.

Maybe your irony/double entendre filter is on?

Protesting a TV sitcom, particularly a lousy Bosom Buddies ripoff, is a stupid waste of time and money that could be used for helping those in true need.

Pop proselytism at it's best!

Followed by Elton John's 'Step into Christmas' as a close second.  Why, whenever I hear that chorus, do I think of reindeer poop?

When I first clicked the link, I thought the headline meant that he'd be releasing an album of his own favorite songs that he's written over the years (kind of a 'best of' album that's not strictly tied to charts or sales), perhaps with notes about the writing/recording of each song.  I might have enjoyed that.

If I ever want this kind of 'entertainment' I'll just wait for the occasional Joe Stunt when I listen to Free Beer & Hot Wings on my ride to work in the a.m., thanks.

The film version is a double travesty, because its success ultimately led to the live-action film, "Cat In the Hat."

Yeah, Jones was always a fan of the 'stretched' moment, scenes that drag on for that extra second or two for comic effect.  Like when the sleigh's going into town and zooms over the loop.  Everything falls back to earth EXCEPT for the Grinch's and Max's heads, which linger on the screen for a beat before snapping back

I went to the showing of that movie knowing I would be disappointed, and I was not disappointed.  Meaning I was disappointed.  Get me?

Chuck Jones was an animation god, and this could be his magnum opus ("What's Opera Doc" or "Duck Amuck" might barely top it though).  The ending of the special never fails to make me cry, and I've seen it every year since I've been alive.

We saw Shakespeare in Love in the theater at the college I was attending at the time.  I think the print we had was a different aspect ratio than what the projector was set to project (I have no idea how these things work), because our version of the movie showed all of the extraneous things off to the sides that the

It's the odd phrasing that drives me nuts though.  If Abrams could stop using ten words to describe something that only needs five to get the point, these articles might actually not feel like a chore to read.  They'd still be full of inaccuracies and mock profundities, though.