and Fred Kelly as Bunny

That explains the three heart attacks in the last 5 months.

For us at that age (I can admit we were jerks at times) the name alone would have been more than enough reason, regardless of his ethnicity.

I wasn't accusing you, I was thinking the student body in general. We had all sorts of nicknames for our teachers.

Lemme guess, you all called him Mr. Dago.

And now I picture him as the guy in the pit people try to elbow in the head for being a douche.

I'll never forget watching Dick Van Patten blow some guy's head off with an M60.

I thought someone went a little too crazy with some markers.

The AVC knows its hockey greats, Bobby Ore, Gordie How, Ken Dryerman, Grant Fuhrer, Ray Bork…

That was my first thought as well…I'm glad he is happy, but that is a little quick.

Pictured: Three guys who just blued themselves after seeing how much they will get after taxes.

True false fact: John Carpenter makes lousy cabinets, but his decks will last for years.

I just hope they sign the deal. 'Singing' a deal doesn't sound legally sound.

That sounds like an even worse existence.

Chicks be crazy, brah.

As someone who survived his wife's three pregnancies…yes there are.

Except you. Yes, you. You get to enjoy your new Kinjafied existence.

They will make the booth babes uncomfortable?

Even his name says "is that a beer?"

*the Mountain attempts to jump the shark, doesn't stick the landing*

They had a Star Wars tribute as part of PBS's A Capital Fourth yesterday, so R2-D2 and C3PO got to share the stage with John Stamos. Thank God Kenny Baker didn't live to see that.