and Fred Kelly as Bunny

And if it is game days, does that include Thrashers games?

He's just in it for the groupies.

Now is this something that will only be open on game days or will it be open year round?

Plus he wrote the Rainbow Connection!

Either that or one of those fancy toilets at Narita.

Nothing could possiblie go wrong!

Ah yes, the Micheauxlin Man.

Noe doubt.

Usually you pay extra for a besting.

Sadly, he started growing the beard the day he announced his retirement…and that's all he's got after 4 years.

But with more screeds talking about how Lyndon LaRouche was right.

The fair reader.

He'll be reduced to upvoting himself several times a day.

*a lone tumbleweed blows across a Kinja-fied wasteland*

Adele translator: I've made my millions and now want nothing to do with you losers. Hasta la vista suckers!

I think it is largely a generational thing. As someone in their late 40's, video games were something you generally found at an arcade. I knew a few people who had an Atari, but that was a rarity. I can't think of anyone I hung out with during junior high school, high school or college that owned an Atari or…

It could have been Graeme, that would be even more Scottish.

What the hell did America do to deserve this?

I don't mess with him, I don't want to be headbutted in the back.

You could say that about a few of the individuals listed (Terry Crews (although he was President Camacho), Lou Ferrigno, Molly Shannon, Maya Rudolph, Amy Poehler, etc.)