Now instead of Guy's wife being addicted to tv, they should give her a smart phone and some earbuds.
Now instead of Guy's wife being addicted to tv, they should give her a smart phone and some earbuds.
Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?
Is that what you call it?
Bow and tremble at the world's largest fiberglass muskie!
Hell, he doesn't even reach the standard set by Jethro Q. Walrustitty.
He should have hired a sex worker.
*Kinja 'accidentally' deletes Disqus history. Disney stops payment on check*
Meh, don't care. As odious a person as I may (allegedly) be, at least I never have the shame of Audioslave hanging over my head.
"You ain't seen nothin' yet"
Unfortunately, a dung beetle bit me and gave me the wicked urge to get into politics.
"I really wish I saved my money from the first set of movies."
—Rupert "I'm Ron Weasley forever" Grint
He's the guy with the gun.
We've got Darius Rucker and Charlie Pride!
I was saying Boo-urns.
No. No, they didn't.
And I will miss you most of all Taco Bell bell when the great Kinja-AVC commentator massacre takes place.
I think this is a False Flag to coverup the fact that Banksy is really…
Vera Lynn! I know, I was surprised as well.
You guys watch Joe Don Baker movies?
This might be the first time they have actually told the truth.