and Fred Kelly as Bunny

Now instead of Guy's wife being addicted to tv, they should give her a smart phone and some earbuds.

Can I borrow your underpants for 10 minutes?

Is that what you call it?

Hell, he doesn't even reach the standard set by Jethro Q. Walrustitty.

He should have hired a sex worker.

*Kinja 'accidentally' deletes Disqus history. Disney stops payment on check*

Meh, don't care. As odious a person as I may (allegedly) be, at least I never have the shame of Audioslave hanging over my head.


"You ain't seen nothin' yet"

Unfortunately, a dung beetle bit me and gave me the wicked urge to get into politics.

"I really wish I saved my money from the first set of movies."
—Rupert "I'm Ron Weasley forever" Grint

He's the guy with the gun.

We've got Darius Rucker and Charlie Pride!

I was saying Boo-urns.

No. No, they didn't.

And I will miss you most of all Taco Bell bell when the great Kinja-AVC commentator massacre takes place.

I think this is a False Flag to coverup the fact that Banksy is really…
Vera Lynn! I know, I was surprised as well.

You guys watch Joe Don Baker movies?

This might be the first time they have actually told the truth.