Long Distance Baller

That "I want to talk to him" from Bobby (re: Don, on the phone) struck me as a nice little nod to their recent "Planet of the Apes" bonding. It's something that would not have happened, maybe, before that episode.

In a way, he skips a line in the flashback too: It's understood he can't go back to a real bed until he's better—staying instead in the basement, on some hay I presume—but then Aimee lets him convalesce on her bed.

You know (speaking of Idas), Miss Blankenship would have either had a grand old time during all the tripping and sex at the office or shut that whole thing down immediately.

My first reaction was that he was being self-involved, but then I figured he had guessed Sally's worries and was trying to ease them, which in a way is generous.

Robert, the Fourth of His Name

A little beard should grow out of the wound in his forearm.

It must suck to feel bad and break a few things in your office to vent and then have to deal with a *new* nuisance in the form of your secretary wanting to know if you're okay (which forces you to pretend that you are).

I was so sure the hooker would die by episode's end—Young Don would get better but she would catch what he had and croak.

Any other show? Would have had Dr. Rosen find Don sleeping upright against his door.

What broke my heart a little was Don's attempt to do right by Sally by letting her know it had been his fault.

The episode should have had Lonestar guy going around the office carrying two syringes of Drugs (TM) and giving one to the first person he saw.

It's weird how quickly I've come to love that new character.

That was some twist, that the I Ching girl was the dead man's daughter. The show also found a great way to have the office resemble a whorehouse by having her (maybe?) come on to Don and then end up having sex with The Bearded One.

Or, like, devil horns and huge double Ds. (Not like that.)

@avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus : It's worth watching. The main actor does a great job of being inscrutable and yet engaging, and the pacing—the passage of time—does a great job of skipping to the good stuff. Great scenery, at least three excellent supporting characters, and VIKING RAIDS! And for some

Thank you!

Yeah, tv tropes is like a roach motel or Hotel California. It's impossible to leave it.

I want to try to follow the tangled genealogy that Emma Peel was rattling off during the wedding. Does anyone here have a good grasp on the family trees?

The dude in "Vikings" is doing a pretty good job of channeling King Robert/Mark Addy/Brian Blessed. (In fact I think the reviews noted this.)

@avclub-bbb3af3d466d7231aa738ff95762091d:disqus : Ditto time-traveling shenanigans: It's technically masturbation!