Long Distance Baller

@avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus : Two Doctors, One Fez!

I nebher do ;)

I would like to think she, Cosima, has a plan and did it on purpose, but no plan is great enough to warrant potentially endangering Kira, for example.

I hope the answer is something a little more nuanced than "Her blood is important! It will save us all!" I wouldn't mind if Kira had superpowers, because that is cool in its own right and also gives her more agency, but I don't want her to be moved around as a MacGuffin or vessel for Theme.

I would love some casting news to be released regarding the firing of the actress who plays one clone and the promotion to series regular of the actress who plays another clone. ;)

@avclub-75f023b01584c7f37883f41c2a2b91ca:disqus : That's brilliant! I hope that's the direction the show takes.

I think if we knew why the Neolutionists wanted the things they want—and it was something visceral and immediate—it would help a lot. As it is, their goals are distant and abstract, and therefore it's pretty hard to identify with them, since all they seem to exist for is to harass people we like. It's impossible to

It's fun to try to imagine who he means when he says "madam" and which ones he codifies as "boys."

That was such an uncanny impression.

I'm not ruling her out myself (my current theory is both her and her husband), but I think the logic is that since her "scheme" is at the suburban-mom level (supplant Alison at the skating thing), it's doubtful she's the watcher. In other words, one ulterior motive (petty, normal stuff) crowds out the possibility of

LOL at "very good lesbian"!

He's endearing, don't worry. Especially in this episode, where he got to be goofy.

What the dominant form of it is? Probably Twilight.

Angel: "Are you Sawah Manning?"
Sarah: "I can honestly say that I am not."
Angel: "Okay. Come to my restaurant!"

And did Cosima reply?

Another thing that was preordained by TV conventions is that Helena would not actually hurt Kira*. (She ends up doing so indirectly, and I dunno if that counts as a subversion or playing it straight.)

I probably added to the universe's net sum of assholery with that post, while your reviews improve it (the universe, not the net sum of assholery).

Poor dog managed to avoid being a serial-killer stepping-stone only to be run over ignominiously. But hey, immortality via taxidermy!

Only like two letters in that name sound the way they look :) Awesome.

Maybe the married couple—both of them—are the watchers. (Or just the husband, the dude Alison boinked in this episode.)