Long Distance Baller

I think the adults would remember enough about their own appearance when they were younger and would notice.

His tale comes to an end, just as…

I noticed here and in some of the older Vikings reviews that the dashes show up as hyphens; might be a formatting-gets-garbled-because-of-a-Paste thing.

I was sure Alison was going to get T-boned when she was driving. Instead, the snoopy blond neighbor blocks her way. Good!

It's hard to imagine what a typical instance would look like… I'm trying to imagine an "example" of the phenomenon as an episode and it's tough.

It was abstract, non-visual, and instantly reversed! Not a good mix. We are *told* the Great Intelligence messes with The Doctor at all points in time, then we are *told* that Clara has fixed it. That's all a hard thing to sell as televisual drama, even if it's a pretty good idea.

I'm dreading the "mystery" of the "Spoilers!" line… I am sure to like the reveal, but the season-long coyness is going to annoy me.

"Sweetie" and "Spoilers!": We are being trolled! ;)

All the numbering from that point on will get an asterisk. It will be impossible to post on the internet without getting a lot of persnickety correcting.

That's what I figured they'd do, and then I thought: "This property is going to run forever, and that would just cause problems to future producers of Who." :)

So long as I don't clue in on what the show's long-term plan is, I'm okay (invested in it), but if I start to sense that the end-result is predetermined/foreseeable, then I lose interest. So if I get the sense that the show is (simply) a tale of how she loses her idealism, that would be bad. Likewise, if it's a

Addendum: To be honest, I also worried at the start of episode two that her idealism/honesty would cause her to lose everything that episode one indicated she would get.

Interesting… My worry was not that she'd remain squeaky-clean but rather its opposite: That she would, by the end, be as "bad" as all the things she took a stand against in the very beginning.

Do all the elevators (car- and people-elevators) empty out onto barns? Is that how Division keeps itself camouflaged?

Especially as they apparently halted all *medical* attempts while the mystical sentimental one was taking place.

What part of London is her accent from?

I wonder if there will be shenanigans with the vice president—now president—suppressing the information that the old president is still alive.

Thank you!

The final smack of the pole, in long shot, was so, so awesome. (You're right: There's no non-dirty way of saying all this.)

I can't imagine her making small talk at the beauty parlor :) She might cast an admiring look at the cuticle tools that the mani-pedi person uses—those have always looked like implements of torture.