Long Distance Baller

Heh. If you're going to follow episode titles as though they were orders, I will have to go to IMDb and Wikipedia now and see what the naughtiest one could be. :)

Heh. I was thinking of "Political Animals," too, with the notion of the female reporter befriending the female politician.

I like this idea.

If you guys mean "The Fall," I watched the first episode and I wasn't a fan. I can see why she would take the role, as it lets her ACT a lot, but from the viewer's perspective it's all a little boring. The show seems way too hung up on its own artiness given what few pleasures it actually delivers.

If the crisis in question does not involve a pencil and its color, I'm of no use to anyone.

One detail about this episode that helped sell me on the show was the way the widow handled all the phones going off during the funeral. Her reaction seemed to say that this show isn't going to go for easy (and off-putting) hysterics, but rather something like people being competent at their job.

Maybe a Nader/Gore spoiler-type thing, with tactical voting…

What's the country with the most borders (shared with other countries)? Probably Russia, right?

The male/female thing is, for a show, a no-win proposition. I don't want to watch her succeed by adopting typically-male behavior, and I certainly don't want to watch her succeed by adopting so-called female behavior.

@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus :

Ditto. I can see myself getting tired of this by, say, the eighth episode, but I enjoyed the first two a lot.

The daughter of Anne Heche's character totally looks like a young Jenna.

… with a bit of Walter White: "Say my name!"

People in comments have been praising her from the beginning, as have the reviews, and this episode I *really*, *really* started to see it. She might be a genius. That daffiness—she is in an intentional comedy, except she can also sell the dramatic moments so, so well.

It's possible. But we did see him fetch the money first, and, maybe more importantly, it wouldn't be a significant moment for him if the bag just had a pillow inside (meaning it wouldn't make sense to throw away a pillow and feel emotions about it).

This week's "Revolution" episode actually had a line about giving people blankets so they'd die!!


"Decimate" is impossible to use now. Way too much of a margin between "degrade significantly" (close to "annihilate") and "kill 10% of."

… with just enough "We're in the future!" progressiveness to keep me off-balance.

… Then she ADORABLES them TO DEATH!