
Well, you pretty much guessed very important topics of their stories. Faith, pain and alien planets - it's their things. Damn, now I want to reread them.

Oh, thank you, I didn't pay attention to first post in this thread. Too bad, because man losing faith while starving on alien planet sounds like perfect Strugatsky's book.

Agree about Roadside Picnic.

Oh, are you sure it's theirs? Because I read almost everything by The Strugatskys and don't rememeber that title or summary. And I am really intrigued.

If it's shot for shot, why does it look like shit? So cheap and soulless?

I think this mockery was unpleasant because Groff played like he was annoyed and even a little bit hurt by it. And I agree, it's like laughing at somebody's best memory. Or worst.

Worst story ever. Those characters work best in small doses.

Isn't it interesting how often Kevin mocks Patrick? At least twice this episode he mocked his words, not to mention this whole thing about the self-help book. I mean, I certainly believe Kevin would do anything to keep Patrick, but he still kind of asshole with him. And Groff is amazing at playing displeasure and

I actually think critical reception of Looking in UK was different than in America, much more positive. I think Tovey talked about it in some interview.


I feel they are doing Richie so wrong this season. I am Team Richie, but I am almost annoyed by his almost sainthood.

Castillo was such a big part of promotion of this show, I am sure he is going to play big part. And him being around earlier would've been wrong. They are supposed to show us slow way to reconcilation between Patrick and Richie, or likely birth of their friendship.

I felt that something was not right with dad in previous episode, when he and Patrick talked about their childhood crushes, and Patrick's excitement about his father's best friend, and how his father tried to calm him down - and Kevin mockingly yelled "Shut the fuck up!", and it sounded like something out of his own

I agree, Kevin has so much more to lose. But I definitely can't understand why he started this cinversation with Patrick at all. He has his two years, and then most likely he will get more - why he mentioned marriage at all? To prepare Patrick for possible marriage to John? To fuck with his head? To check his

First I thought it's probably the most awkward episode of Looking in (short) history of the show. It just felt wrong, weird comedy, weird writing, weird lighting, I felt like watching different show. This feeling of wrongness never left me, and I REALLY love this show and never felt it before. And then, when I thought

Well, yeah, I was reading AV Club recaps for years, and decided to create account only because I fucking fell in love with this show and wanted to talk about it with commenters here. So what?
As for critique of your critique - I mean, you are obviously very passionate with your dislike of this show. Most likely there

The worst thing? American version actually ruined British one to me. I just couldn't separate them in my head. Also I was pretty young when I watched them, first American, then british, and difference in visual representation was staggering. I was like - why gay clubs are so small? Why guys are not super model level

Hm, your post didn't have any constructive or insightful critique, it was emotional outburst.

I watched american version first, and I loved first season and was shocked when it turned to shit in second season. Then I watched british version, and it all became clear. They started writing their own ideas. And it was a disaster. And then it pretty much turned into soft porn.