The Czar

Can't wait for yet another joyless entry in this franchise from happiness-vampire Zach Snyder.


The Thin Red Line is truly one of the worst big-budget movies ever made.

This is truly one of the worst songs ever recorded. This is like saying that you made out to MacArthur Park by Richard Harris.

I am shocked—shocked!—at the amount of indie rock on this list! At least there wasn't any Arcade Fire or Dawes.

Stop this crap and write the Winds of Winter!

This book is well written, but it doesn't really go anywhere. Nothing's really resolved, and none of the characters really make any discoveries about themselves. Good? Sure. Great? Not by a long shot.

Because there is actually quite a bit of action in Dune. Much of the internal monologue stuff in Dune is actually repetition of things that people say out loud. Cutting it out wouldn't be all that hard. Jackson did a good job in laying out Middle Earth with minimal exposition, and skills like that will be required

That is quite possibly the cheesiest single frame in cinematic history.

They're no less filmable than The Lord of the Rings. I'd love see to Peter Jackson get a crack at them.

Lynch's Dune was incredibly cast, and in some cases, incredibly well shot. He was a terrible choice to helm the film. It seems like the farther you get in Dune, the less interested Lynch was in the film.

Hell hath no fury like a furry scorned.

Please, Democratic Party, please don't let this happen. How about just winning for a change?

Bill Maher has always confused mere smarm for wit.

I don't even touch myself down there any more.

Arcade Fire, not hipster. Sounds legit.


"For example, to qualify, it would need to be more 25 percent owned by a craft brewer and making fewer than 6 million barrels of beer a year"

Apparently, the only real fix for the Grammys is for Beyonce to win every category every year. Anything else is clearly a mix of cheating and racism.

I've never tasted one, but I'll take your word for it.