The Czar

I figured the number one complaint would be how your mom bitches about those dolls cluttering up her basement.

The kids ought to really love these.

If Hollywood can still fall all over itself about Woody Allen and Roman Polanski, what's Casey Affleck's wrongs by comparison?

The music is good, but it's also mostly forgettable. That's not the calling card of a great score for a musical.

In Brietbart's defense, the Empire has been doing it bigly.

My Womb Is Noonie Your Business!

Austra reminds me of that SNL skit where the German-ish neighbors lived in an all-white house and one of them was named Noonie.

Why people keep handing Zack Snyder money to make large scale failures will forever escape me. The man is basically a joy vampire.

Panera's chicken and wild rice soup kicks major ass. Just sayin.

It's going to be all La La Land. There's nothing Hollywood likes better than a movie about itself.

But what about the butter?

Not really. That's only a result of the social norms in our society. Left to their own devices, they'll go full Lord of the Flies.

It's time for Steelers vs. Cowboys.

So, we're saying that 2016 just wasn't a good year for books.

Tell that to Alabama.

The college game is superior to the pro game. That doesn't that the players are superior—they clearly aren't. But there is more pageantry, more tradition, and more pride on the line with the college game.

I'd be interesting in hearing Musburger's take on Joe Mixon punching Katherine Webb.

There is no such thing as too much football.

So happy to see you doing so well with Backpage!

I hope the film doesn't preserve King's cop out ending for the Dark Tower series. I found it utterly maddening after reading hundreds of pages of story, which declined precipitously after Wizard and Glass.