The Czar

Just another thing that'll be gone after the baby boomers depart.

A child of privilege says something stupid? Get this person a spot on a presidential ticket, stat!

While Star Trek: The Motion Picture isnt exactly action packed, it's decent. I've never understood the charms of Star Trek IV, either. The whole premise just seemed dated and hokie. Not Star Trek V, hokie, but still hokie.

People aren't inherently good or evil; they're inherently selfish. "Good" societies find ways to channel that selfishness into something higher; "bad" societies give that selfishness free reign.

To Kill a Mockingbird.

I'm a big Pink Floyd fan, and Syd Barrett is legendary and all that, but it's hard to deny that Floyd got much better as a band with David Gilmour.

Sarah Vowell isn't a historian; she's a popularizer of history, of which we could use more. I disagree that Vowell's writing can use more tangents, however. There are times when Vowell's writing is little more than tangents. If the tangents are more interesting than the subject, then what's that say about the

I thought The Circle was well written and pretty horrifying, actually.

If there's anything a hipster loves, it's a metaphor about suburbia.

1Q84—Haruki Murakami
Never Let Me Go—Kazuo Ishiguro

After the baby boomers are gone, DeLillo will mostly disappear as a critical darling, along with his alter ego, Thomas Pynchon.

I read Ghost a while back. She's readable, but pretty lightweight stuff. It's less about science or the subject, and more about, "hey, isn't that quirky!"

Hipster obsession with Tig Notaro will forever escape me.

The sequel no one demanded.

He's no Jerry Lewis.

There's already a robot on the sidelines in Alabama. Here's to hoping Ole Miss makes a three-peat over the Sabanbot.

Is this that episode where Bonnie Bedelia cries in the garden? Because, that's basically every episode.

Alan Moore? I thought that guy was John Brown!

Love Akira. Got 'em all.

The last I read by her was Ghost. Decent, but occasionally she's too clever by half.