The Czar

Will we ever really know who let the dogs out?

A film made be and filled with people who could only have been successful in the 70s.

Well, if the captain's still got a log, it's clear he hasn't been eating the food.

The Self Love Boat


These people would laugh at a Shakespearean comedy.

A movie that requires an explanatory handout is automatically bad.
But I feel you. It's kind of a guilty pleasure.

I think it made a better documentary than it ever would have made a movie.
It's time for Dune to get some Peter Jackson love.

It's an extremely well-cast, poorly executed film. Just think, Lynch turned down Jedi to do this. Instead of ruining Dune, he could have been off somewhere ruining Jedi.

I'd like to think this won't suck, but it'll probably turn out like the Vacation remake.

A nation yawns.

Perhaps, but we can never forgive them for being dumb to start with.

That's not true. Her PR manager actually apologized for her, while she was out hating mom, turning off baseball, and licking an apple pie.

Ariana Grande: living proof that anyone can become famous.

I guess we'll be treated with a sappy AV Club article when Tig finally makes it.

Ender's Game isn't a very good book, either. It probably has more to say if you read it when you're a certain age, but it's really just a very long sci-fi short story with a twist ending.

They certainly should—who now weeps for that fallen vanguard of video progress? Must they, like Evangeline, wait forever?

I don't know that it was terribly obsessed with symbols. I think it had more to do with trying to create a national identity on the fly.

But there's a Germany that's separate from Nazism. There really isn't a Confederate army that's separate from the Confederacy. You can't really de-link the two in that way.

It certainly represents those things, but it's also part of the timeless conundrum of how to memorialize good people who fought for underwhelming causes.