The Czar

It certainly represents those things, but it's also part of the timeless conundrum of how to memorialize good people who fought for underwhelming causes.

The Confederacy actually had a number of official flags. At least 3, and as many as 6 if you count the star changes on the flag you note.

Mississippi State—where the women are men and the sheep are scared.

That notion predated Gone with the Wind. Gone with the Wind just reduced it to print and celluloid.

I don't know that it's something to be ashamed of, but it's not something to be proud of, either. To me, it's a historical relic.
To some, and not just in the South, by the way, it's a symbol of a time when being a white pinhead still meant you were ahead of someone else. It's about class. You don't see too many

Southerners hardly have a monopoly on that.

Southerners hardly have a monopoly on that.

In his defense, the original wasn't a cinematic classic, either. Decent, cheap horror flick? Sure, but that's about as far as it goes.

Making movies is really about money and not art? What's next? No truth in advertising?

The dream lives on!

They're going down. I'm yelling timber.

"Michiko Kakutani did a smackdown on ROOKIE OF THE YEAR"
I was thinking the same thing.
Not really.

Usual Suspects owned. Still owns.

Good soundtrack, bad movie. It's not that complicated.

Dalton was decent, but the movies were terrible. They just suffered from poor writing and sloppy direction, IMO.

One of my best friends lived in a very small, very rural Arkansas town. He had about a dozen of those Hugh G. Erection accounts going at any one time in the early 90's.

A nation shrugs.

It's no Opp, I'll tell you that.

Mostly, this stuff wasn't that good to start with. Grunge was doomed to failure anyway. You can only mope for so long, and it's hard to choke down depression from a guy who's killing it with a record deal.

That's because it was mostly forgettable crap.