The Czar

I saw this two days ago, and it's still kicking my ass.

In summation, who cares. Watch college football and skip over the No Fun League.

Brady wasn't punished for winning too much. He was punished for being a Patriot. That's deserving enough in the eyes of most right-thinking Americans.

Technically, that was just a music police action.

The Bee Gees got really close, though.

This totally left out the Dr. Demento revolution. Power to the people!

Needs more pretentious indie bands.

No. No they don't.



Kids should probably be playing outside instead of any of this.

Kids don't give a crap about Adventure Time. It's a series built totally to pander to the fanboy demographic.

Well, if Cosby ever asks me to touch his pudding, I'm definitely going to say no.

Brian Williams invented the Twinkie. At least, that's he told me.

In the local TV market where I used to live, there was a news anchor named Anne Janzen. A local cover band called itself Unpantsin Anne Janzen.

DDL + Christopher Guest = Epic Entertainment

Neeson's already shown he'd be great. Consider his portrayal of Good Cop/Bad Cop.

How to Get Away with Comedy!

Light in August has always been my favorite Faulkner work.

I hate the South too! Isn't that just wonderful!