The Czar

It was probably easier to be ageist in an age when many people didn't survive childhood, and dying before you were 50 was incredibly common.


She didn't steal the chicken. She merely choked it.

Just what the world needs—another Jonathan Franzen knockoff. I'm not particularly sure we needed the original version.

[i]The Children's Hospital by Chris Adrian
Ubik by Phillip K. Dick

Recently read Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and it was pretty good. Might have to pick up another by him.

Outside of the Peter the Great book, that's pretty much a cavalcade of hipster preciousness.

In his defense, he does work around chicks in tights all the time.

Aren't you being a little hard on Bobby Drake?

Of course there's a butt.

Seems unlikely.

Agree on Little Bear. So soothing it can render viewers catatonic.

Can't get on the Dinosaur Train. Too terrible.
There needs to be an entry for Wishbone here, as well as Caillou.

At first, I thought this was going to be about Fozzy Bear. Imagine the crushing disappointment.

How this guy keeps getting work will forever escape me.

Way to class up cosplay, Marvel.

Zardoz totally rocks.

Flava Flav or GTFO.

The only way to win The Game is not to play.

The only consistent feature of all your failed relationships is you.