The Czar

Because, believe it or not, the ratings system is still a pretty good thumbnail sketch about whether a film is appropriate for your child.  It's not ironclad, and you should always do your own checking, but it makes a decent system to use while making your own inquiries about what films your child should watch.

The Narrator Returns will flip you, flip you for real.

Complaining about the Parents Television Council:  Fun for those without kids!

Quick, someone do a cup check on Lana!

New Jersey and Texas.

It was sort of disappointing.   lol

Isn't this just the romantic vampire fiction crap taken to its logical extent?

Wasn't 90s music bad enough the first time?  There's really no need to revisit it, let alone revive it. 

Let me hit that shit/poop/crap!

That's what The Hunger Games was really missing:  more Ric Flair.

I think Von Trier laughs his ass off at critics and grad students.  No matter what he dishes out, or how far he ratchets up the depressing absurdity of his movies, he knows a phalanx of intellectuals will soon arrive dutifully attempting to explain away his latest nonsense/practical joke.  No director has been

Maybe it'll show Dan Akroyd being bitten by a copperhead.  It would explain the swelling he's obviously experienced.

I hear they're as bad as the real thing.

Agreed.  Not everything in culture actually is culture.


I'm just savoring the irony of a rap artist making a comment about "allowing users to simply draft off of the work of others."

Lots of Philip K Dick stories revolve around this theme.  Ubik is by far my favorite, but A Maze of Death also does a good job with this idea.

I'm going to test the nostalgia waters in June to see The Wall with Roger Waters.  I figure that since Rick Wright is now dead, I better see what I can when I can out of anything resembling Pink Floyd.

It sounds bad live because it requires an army of technicians to make it listenable. 

Long live Debbie Harry.  She was smoking hot in Videodrome.