The Czar

When was America's prime?

First off, Dixiecrats doesn't equal Southern Democrats.  It didn't even in 1948.

It's not only merely essential, it's arguably the only strip in the list whose flag is permanently rooted in the cultural landscape.  It's the quintessential American comic strip, and probably the only one in this list the Americans from all ages and backgrounds could identify.

Mutts and Lio are terrible.  I've always found their syndication baffling.

Yes.  This is exactly what I'm saying.

I thought Sin City was way overrated as a movie.  Frodo mounting hookers' heads on the wall?  Bruce Willis pulling the prosthetic dong off a yellow Ferengi?  This mess of a movie took itself so seriously, but really, it's unintentionally laugh-at-the-screen hilarious. 

Why doesn't MTV play music videos anymore?

The country, by and large has always been just a little right of center.  Things started moving to the right when mid and late 60's liberalism brought good intentions coupled with leaderless chaos.  Conservatives offered strong (even when wrong) leadership, and, by and large, liberals didn't.  Conservatives on the

I'd be seriously bummed, but not if it was an Ole Miss sweatshirt.

I think my firstula ruptured.

Amen.  If 16-year olds looked like that when I was 16, I would have been vaporized in a hormonal mushroom cloud.

I expect AV Club Hive Mind to kill the crew of the Discovery any minute now.

No, we're the people who think Rothko is essentially fingerpainting for adults, and that Malick films are more triumphs of self-indulgence than artistic expression.


Ayn Rand is evil.


@Evan Waters:

So, Malick made a neat-looking, nearly incomprehensible mess of a movie.

Feminism is dead. Tell you friend to move on. American culture has.
