The Czar

@Gary IX:


@Unreliable Narrator:

I found A Separate Peace basically unreadable. And, while Steinbeck is the literary world's Debbie Downer, The Pearl is an excellent summation of the condition of most modern American adults.

Cats Cradle, Slaughterhouse Five, or if you want something shorter, I think Harrison Bergeron is great. Right-wing libertarians ought to love it, actually.

Didn't we fight a war to stop book-burning and book-banning back in the 40's? Ironically, the one depicted in Slaughterhouse Five?


Will it still be possible for people to copy content? Almost certainly. But that's not really the question, economically. If copying content is made difficult enough, will most consumers choose convenience and a small fee over a free, pain in the ass process?


""wait until the big entertainment conglomerates figure out how to stop digital piracy for good"

What Happened to MTV
It became feminized. When the target audience went from being teenaged guys to teenaged girls, the course was set for creating banal shows, because most teenaged girls aren't interested in anything boundary pushing or transgressive. Know why "My Sweet Sixteen" couldn't have made it in 1985? The

You're still a virgin, aren't you?

@ Lobo Tommy:

American Experience
Is consistently one of the best shows on television. Glad to see it get some coverage here at the AV Club.

Land of the Lost was much like Coneheads. Not only was it bad, it was made about 25 years after everyone stopped caring.

The end sucked, which is a failing of many, many King novels. It was basically a cop-out.

Ka isn't a wheel. It's a snake.


This whole project is doomed from the start, unless there are major deviations from the story. They'll at least have to lose Steven King is a major character later on.

So what are you saying? That gum won't stick to a frictionless surface?