The Czar

If you liked Eat, Pray, Love, have I got a movie for you!

Seriously, all of you people demanding that Music Television offer either one, what's your fucking problem?

I saw Ralph Stanley several years ago. You're right—you need to go see him before he's gone.

Linda Carter
was the hottest woman on television. Ever.

It's an old Jedi mind trick.

I live in Little Rock, which is a Clear Channel wasteland. I've got Sirius, which keeps me from having to hear the same vanilla crap all of the time.

That comment was so awesome that the AV Club's servers apparently needed to post it twice.

When will the Music Industry Realize
that the product really sucks, and thus, no one wants to buy it. Maybe they should come up with songs where three or four talent-less hacks that can't actually make any music collaborate on shitty Auto-tuned tracks.

When will the Music Industry Realize
that the product really sucks, and thus, no one wants to buy it. Maybe they should come up with songs where three or four talent-less hacks that can't actually make any music collaborate on shitty Auto-tuned tracks.

It doesn't outright suck, but it's certainly not the movie it could have been. Visually, it's pretty sharp. I saw it in 3-D, but parts of the movie are in 2-D, and 3-D probably didn't help much, especially the darkening effect of the glasses on what's already a fairly dark (literally) movie. So, if I had to do it

I caught This Film Is Not Rated recently on Netflix, and it's definitely worth a watch. However, I thought the stuff with the PI's was terribly boring, almost to the point of being filler to make the movie stretch to feature length.

"The Boogieman" from Night Shift still creeps me out to this day.

The series did take a major nose dive in the last three books. Including himself in them was extremely off-putting, and I didn't consider the ending poignant in any way. Just a major cop-out and another example of King not being able to end a great story.

It's not as enthralling as the Black Swan. At least, that's what I read in The Independent.

Why is that? Fox News is brilliant, unpredictable, and visceral, just like the Black Swan.

It looks cool, but not nearly as cool as The Black Swan. I hear it's breathtaking.

Yes, but….
When does the Black Swan come out?

I like the Eagles. I mean, it's not as deep as Jim Morrison, but it's catchy.

@ Kilometers Davis

This makes me want to punch you in your firstula.