The Czar

I don't want to see any show where the word "reveal" is used as a noun.


Thanks, Clear Channel!

I've finally satisifed
my thirsties for firsties.

So, what's your solution King Bastard? Are we supposed to scream anytime some nutcase says something proclaiming to be Christian? I'd be screaming all the time, and I don't have cynical right-wing media machine backing me up.

meant to say anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-artificial birth control, anti-Democrat, anti-science, or anti-life.

Hey Anne,

That isn't Boilerplate!
It's Mr. Tin!

The sad thing is…
this will probably still be better than many of Laurence Fishburne's performances.

Why do they have to control the media? Why can't they just be satisfied with their weather machine?

@The Elusive Robert Denby:

Survivor. Who gives a damn?

@The Elusive Robert Denby

@Victor Mature:


Yeah. This won't be nearly as good as MTV's other programming.

The crap aired on MTV desparately needs Beavis and Butthead to openly laugh at it.

If you can't make money with Lord of the Rings and James Bond, maybe it's just time to declare bankruptcy and get it over with.

He's wrong on the Internet, right on MTV.

My votes for the Riddler: