The Czar

This thread is a nice summation of everything nauseating about AV Club comments.


I predict that they'll pick about 10 psychologically damaged people and force them into close quarters, like virtually all reality shows.

As an Arkansan, I can only hope that they're just casting in a state like Arkansas, rather than actually in Arkansas.

I was surprised that the Proclaimers weren't mentioned.

They're all pretty bad, really. Corman movies remind me of what Bob and Doug McKenzie said about Strange Brew, "It's filmed in 3-B—three beers and it looks good." Corman movies are testaments that if you cut costs far enough, even a terrible movie can get in the black.



Food, Inc. was the movie Fast Food Nation should have been.

Bloom County was the best comic of all time.

What Utter Crap
Thanks, ClearChannel!

@ Dr. Zarnack:

I work out.

Two words—Pink Floyd. Nothing says sophomoric philsophical self-discovery like repeated listenings of The Wall and Dark Side.

Sorry—wrong thread. I'm pouring gas on myself as I type.

Two words: Pink Floyd.

Too bad we'll only be subjected to one of Malick's gorgeous bore-fests twice per decade. People who like Malick would laugh at a Shakespearean comedy.

@Steve Dave

For Soylent Green!

Second on the short story. It's one of the creepiest short stories ever.