
*looks up "solipsism"* hey, I learned something today.

What about the mini Victrola? It allows me to listen to the only decent music ever committed to vinyl. Just listen: it's so pure it hurts…

And thus, by creating a fake kickstarter campaign, David Cross has ensured that he will get the whole 10 million dollars. If potato salad has taught me anything, it's that people love to give money to dumb causes ironically.

12. No funny commentary here. This is my legitimate guess. 12.

Wait, there are other timelines?

In their defense, Eden of the East begins with a naked guy waking up in front of the White House with no memories of his past, and that show was pretty good.

No, it's Frajier. I should know, I'm Frajier.

No more British TV on Netflix? But how will I put off catching up on Peep Show if it's not there?

That is certainly a good point if you think this is truly opening a dialogue, and I can respect that. Personally, this just seems to me like another story where a bunch of people change their profile picture to "raise awareness" and nothing comes of it whatsoever. If all it took to change the public perception on rape

I'm gonna say this, and I know it's not gonna be too popular, but here it goes.
I think that Bill Cosby is guilty. I don't understand why people keep talking about these 27 women like they're an all or nothing deal, there's a good chance that at least SOME of them are full of crap, but it's highly unlikely that they

None whatsoever. But there is an issue with people misunderstanding what "Free Speech" refers to.

And if he did, he can be safe in the knowledge that it can't say anything. You know, besides "rapist."

No, no, see it says "Abt natural, I have a gun."

I guess people just aren't interested in seeing pilots these days…

I can't believe I'm about to reference Patton Oswalt on a website that does more than its fair share of referencing Patton Oswalt, but here it goes:
I actually recall reading a great bit in Patton Oswalt's book about how often times the cleanest comedians have the most emotional problems. I really can't think of a

Hey, internet! Do you like to sort formulaic elements of TV shows and organize them so you can watch the same thing over and over again? Supercuts: They're kind of like filing, except without the negligible satisfaction of actually having done something.

*Sees "30 Rock"*… *Sees idiotic premise*… Doesn't this go against Jack's initiative to stop making crap?

KENNETH! Get me Showtime!

Beats Oregon Trails MD, where every patient dies of dysentery.