
I'll take Le Tits Now for 400!

Yeah, probably to avoid men getting sexually attracted to a children's cartoon character. *Does a quick Google search* Oh dear Lord… You know what, just forget I said anything…

I'm gonna throw this out there: Pixar is a company. The things they do are for the purpose of making money. They go off a model, and it works, and it makes money. That model includes "cute button nosed women" and "goofy looking guys" and we give them money for that. If you don't like it, don't see the movies, don't

Somewhere, and engineer just wondered how many pizzas could be thrown on a roof without it collapsing. How much pizza per square inch would that be? What's the psi?

No knick knacks, but there is a safe with four different colored numbers and a mysterious sequence of shapes. REMEMBER: Star, circle, square, triangle.

I'm not saying anything about who deserves what. I think the best movie deserves the rewards. I'm also saying that the academy doesn't play by those rules. Sometimes they choose the best movie, sometimes they choose the movie that will make them LOOK the best. To suggest that doesn't suggest fault with Sigourney

What, you don't think politics drive the Academy's decisions? Now who's being naive?

But when will I get my SimGolf sequel???

Professor X would be played by Bill Murray. And Magneto. And everybody else. Bill Murray would play all the parts, and it wouldn't be his best movie, but it would be better than Garfield.

Life is just a giant Roofie circle…

Because as we of modern times all know, nothing would simplify the social impact of this story quite like a lynching…

Anybody else feel a TED talk coming on?

Speaking of associations, the AV club appears to have ripped their article's premise from soundsjustlike.com

Let us not go to Comcast. It is a bitchy place.

That being said, it may be revealed that the US soldiers are actually ALIENS, until Megan Fox ironically notes that "that would be stupid…"


*ahem* 2:22

huh, I didn't read it that way, but if that's the case, then this article was very poorly titled…

*holds breath as he prepares to say another umpopular thing* I don't like a lot of what McDonalds has been doing lately. Their signs ad seemed like exploitation, their love for food ad seemed insincere at best, but honestly, this is a charity thing. You're not paying $18,000 for a bottle of thousand island dressing,