
Only if there's no God.


Where does David Byrne get in on the action, or have they done that one already?

"Pulp Fiction, milkshakes, bean cans? Listen to how we talk to each other, we're like… robots exchanging catch phrases and references."

I'm ready to call it: Funniest trailer of 2014.

Chah-chi chah-chi chah-chi!

$20 million? Those are Heisenberg levels….

Ha! You say you're okay with these changes now, but just wait until they make The Question a woman! Hahahaha-oh wait.

A.V. Club: No, don't give money to a guy who makes potato salad, you're an idiot. Just generate ad revenue for the guy who hacks at vegetables with a spoon!

Contains NO rap music!

I still maintain that I will become a lifetime fan of this show if Capaldi drops one "Fuckity bye!" in an episode.

And thus, The AV Club had to decide between a picture from the green-screened rooftop and the picture of Franco kissing a mirror… what a Sophie's Choice…

Just so long as someone has blue hair. You gotta have blue hair…

You're talking about it…

Though I admire the AV Club's attempt to diversify it's articles, I find it strange that they would post an article that goes against its primary audience: the people who are alienated by the poppiest of pop culture (Sports, reality TV, etc.) Personally, I find people who use this platform to mention their anti-sports

It's Cartoon Network. Adult Swim is Cartoon Network, not Comedy Central. I DEMAND EDITS!

Thank you, AV Club, for addressing my fear of change. Really, that's all I've ever wanted from a site update.

Why do I go Greendale?

CONGRATULATIONS! The AV Club has used that picture 100 times! Don't worry though, it never gets old.