so forgotten and i love northern exposure
so forgotten and i love northern exposure
I will read and re-read everything by Don Delillo, Roth, Nietzsche, Rimbaud and Joyce. Ulysses is just a book that I love to get lost in. As I've gotten older I appreciate it and Bloom's (Joyce's?) worldview more and more. And something always brings me back to the perpetual genius and dissatisfaction of Rimbaud in…
SMiLE. although not complete i think the songs are stronger. Heroes and Villains, Wonderful, Cabinessence, Surf's Up, Good Vibrations - all masterpieces
Good Vibrations the best of the brother years
Couldn't agree more. His first solo album is very good. The rest - not so great. I don't love Joe Thomas at all….
So glad to see this article. The Beach Boys are my favorite band and have been since I was in high school. Two things - one Brian is a genius and two (and something that gets looked over - because of number one) the boys are some of the best singers in rock history, including Mike Love. In fact I think Mike comes…
No no FIST first then First Blood… all Stallone all the time
yes he would have
AM I the only one who finds Casey Wilson very hot?
Fraggle Rock
Dukes of Hazzard
Fantasy Island
Three's Company
Love Boat
Sesame Streeet
The Incredible Hulk
1) The end of Chaplin's City Lights. I weep like a baby EVERY time
2) When Hawkeye leaves in the helicopter at the end of M*A*S*H
3) When Diane and Sam dance in the fantasy sequence at the end of Cheers during her last episode as What'll I do plays. (What'll I do/ with dreams of you/ That won't come true/ What'll I do?)
No shit!
about time
Great post! I will add that I love the Mats and I always wished and I know I'll be in the minority here - that there albums were a little less sloppy. Yes I know that's part of their "charm" but when the songs were better the albums were better. That's why they aren't as "good" as Big Star. IMO
Very cool you were nominated. Sorry you lost.
About two thirds of the way through NEXUS by Henry Miller. He's not one of my favorite writers except when I eventually pick him up and I fall in love with him all over again. I really like the exuberance of the writing (I mean seriously he loves life), the plot as excuse for transgressions on everything….
I love Love is Hell
I was in Metallica once….
The Doors, which my mom couldn't stand. I remember watching a video, yes a video, VCR, of them on Sullivan and my mom commented, does he even want to be there? does he even like singing? At the time it felt like a victory. But I was young. I liked his poetry then too….
you know what? that's the right answer.