hello joan rivers died!
hello joan rivers died!
It actually was amazing! Despite the hate Mike Love is a helluva front man when he wants to be. And their song selection was stellar - huge hits, Pet Sounds/Smile era stuff, rarities. And Al sounded amazing.
Exactly why not tour as Billy Corgan?
wait - was the new reboot a success?
I really liked this movie. An understated, world-weary performance and the movie had something to say. Top Ten Williams performance
Except that he adored Diane and would have done anything for her
They were annoyed because Seinfeld and other worthy shows weren't winning not because Frasier wasn't good. Modern Family isn't good. (And that's a very reductive description of Frasier)
I have to live in a world where Modern Family has as many best comedy emmy's as Frasier
I know it. no buzz even though Hamm is doing amazing work. I want him to win so bad
Just love it
I've been rewatching Frasier too just hit season 5. And I've been reading Don Carpenter
He's always come off as a hard-ass know it all - which I never liked but this is too much. Fuck him
I watched a ton of robin williams films. Dead poets society, the fisher king, world greatest dad, the birdcage, even jumangi. I've been really gutted by his death.
This is really a great film
One of my favorite movies is The Birdcage - the dignity he brings to that role. I don't remember his exact speech but when he tells his son he's a 40 year old queer - it gets me every time.
Feel a whole lot better (yes i know it's a cover)
Two Gunslinger's
I kind of agree. i think he can do more than Frasier - albeit i think he has to play a certain type - i mean he will never play a blue-collar type of guy - but i do agree he is picking horrible things lately. But Boss showed he had the right instincts - a show like that could really have worked had it been written…
You misspelled Nietzschean
Mad Men Season 5
The Shield Season 7
The Wire Season 4
Lost Season 1
Breaking Bad Season 4