Swingin Party and Achin to Be are too good not to be on this list
Swingin Party and Achin to Be are too good not to be on this list
well said and i couldn't agree more. the Reprise years - although not as great as the Capital years are by no means bad - there are so masterpieces and near masterpieces in that era that many would kill for
I've been reading John Fante as of late - just discovered him. I really like him. So far have read Ask the dust, The road to Los Angeles and just started Wait Until Spring Bandini. Great stuff.
The Beach Boys Love You. Holy shit do I hate that cover (and really anything past 71's Surf's up.) Christ you're a major band - you can't get better album covers? I adore the beach boys and they made (make?) so many mistakes…..
Frank is one of my all time favorites - i am excited. The Capitol years are some of the greatest pieces of art in any genre ever made.
So many white people so afraid of such minimal change
Finished HOUSE OF CARDS season 3 - It got better at the end for sure. It's what it has been from the beginning - good fun nothing more
Finally saw Interstellar - It's one of those movies I enjoyed while I was watching but once I thought about it lost a little something. And the cribs from 2001 didn't help it.
The Sinatra album isn't that great BUT the title song "A Man Alone" is as good as anything he did….
Couldn't disagree more about obvious child. It felt like propaganda - for the left but propaganda none the less. And so didn't feel honest at all
Johhny Depp is one actor I absolutely hate.
Forgot about Mad about you. In it's prine. Hilarious
This is not a very good list. First it seems like a legacy list and even at that it's nkt very good. The fact that there's no Frasier is ridiculous. It may not be cool but at its best was far funnier than half the things on this list. Friends? As one of the best sitcoms? Where is Sunny? I could list more. And your…
High Infidelity - Reo Speedwagon Keep on Lovin you was jam
calm down
Finnegans wake. I'm a big fan of Joyce. I've read his other three books multiple times, his play and the poems. And I think this year I want to dive into the Wake. Wish me luck
I agree with you 100% great comment
Agreed - Mad Men (and Jon Hamm in particular) are stunning
I think it just lost it's buzz. I agree it never lost its greatness. In some ways it's even gotten better as Don tries to redeem himself and the show shows how difficult that really is.
good luck! I truly hope you get it