Mr. Prig

The selfish 80's?
The nineties, aughts and tens make the eighties look like an era of modesty and self sacrifice.

@ Fast Zombie

Striped leggings. That pretty much sums it up.

Nice photo
He's sort of got a John Merrick thing going on.

When I as a kid a friend had Tintin photo book as well as the more common stories. I think he stills were taken from a live action film made in the 40's. Tintin looked really creepy and no one wanted to read that one.

I too liked "Ed the Happy Clown." The entire medium of seemed to comix turn towards self reflection in the early 90's, and suffered for it. His autobiographical work (I assumed he was portraying himself candidly), really made me grow to hate him.

We've seen so many dinosaurs that it had to have lost impact. So Jackson tries to compensate by overdoing it. Just too fucking busy and frantic, and overlong.
Still, worth seeing. The original was always a personal favorite, and Jackson's version was very much an homage.

Teadoust freaked out, turned into -
Karla Ha Ha, who then freaked and turned into -
Caret II.

Mediocre actor. Alright if well directed, but he's usually got this air about him that he's ACTING, ooh, isn't he intense.
Plus, it can't be stated enough, Scientologists are creepy.

@ Hateful
Additionally, paramedics show up and shake their heads in resignation. As the load Reiser's still smoldering corpse into the meat wagon they notice the pupil dilate on his now distended eyeball. Amazing Reiser is still alive and somehow conscious in his mangled, disfigure and charred body.
Too much?

Damn, I meant in addition to the other things, Gibson is a homophobe, not Dumas obviously.

Also, as Dumas was of African descent, maybe Mel should look for other more appropriate-to-a-racist source material.

Thanks Serious. I'm perplexed, as far as club music goes, she's well above par.

I think Dan Hill wrote history's worst song, but this cover is making a good play for the title.

Thanks, just let me jot that down.

If Reiser checks the comments thread on the articles concerning him and reads what you guys are saying he'll never agree to another AVClub interview.

Good Work America!
My Country 'tis of thee.

So let me get this straight - the AVClub consensus is that:
Glee doesn't get to cover any songs;
anyone that doesn't let Weird Al is a controlling freak;
Prince, um, is wrong, a hypocrite, and a controlling freak but… Damn, somebody decide for me.

He was good in "The Dead Pool."