Mr. Prig

New twist
Alexander Dumas, but FUNNY. That should e interesting, because Dumas is such a dreary, serious sort of author, it could use lightening up.

I stopped wathcing after the summer vacation episode when Milhouse gets a girl. Maybe seen two or three after that. It's easier if I ignore it.

Good to know. I've read both Ringworld and Engineers many times, and always wondered about what follows.

Shots of planes spinning out and/or blowing apart were large models hanging from a ladder atop a hill in California. Very primitive, but very convincing.

So what's the point?
Weird Al makes a big deal of "getting permission" to parody a song. But if permission is denied he whiles and bitches?
If he really was sincere about asking for permission he wouldn't make a stink about it if denied.

^^^ you guys are a buncha nerds.

The glam rock sequel is even better than the first one.

It means we get to watch him die twice. :-)

Hippies steal tips from the bar. They're entitled that way.

I hate them so much I'll jump on that band wagon twice!

I will jump aboard the Grateful Dead hate band wagon with both feet.

1991: the Year Punk Broke Down.

He looks like a shaved ape.

Mad About You; Smug fucking yuppie.
How much hate had I for that show you may ask? A lot. A lot of hate. I am a hater of Mad About You.

There's lap dancing on 2 1/2 Men? I thought it was a family show.

I suspect another big meltdown soon, this time more tragedy than comedy.

@ Fatterson
I alwayss felt that Tarantino's films were little more than parodies of films by those such as Hill, Peckenpah and Fuller.

The new generation of filmmakers learned the craft by staying at home watching HBO. The previous generation actually did manly stuff (fighting wars, working in rodeos and stuff), before making films.

I saw Geronimo in the theater. It's may be one of Hill's worst films, but it's still petty good.

What about Vanilla Ice?