Mr. Prig

I loved this one. I saw it as a modern update of Treasure Island, map to treasure, crazy castaway. Pirates, all the elements are there.

Remember the phrase "jumped the shark"? I was kind of ironic, because the phrase itself jumped the shark.

Green Day, Abba, makes total sense to me.

If Paul McCartney were a punk he'd be Billy Ray. That's not supposed to be a compliment. In my day we'd have called them poseurs.

There is dumb club music that I like, and everybody's going to have a guilty favorite, but the Black Eyed Peas are taboo.
They are so awful I don't think anyone can use the old dumb but fun line. If you like them you have terrible taste, end of story.

@ humble mofo
That race was a day old by the time I posted. What's the expiration date on sports spoilers?

Sports movies usually cater to those that are ignorant of sports.

Paris-Roubaix was today, so it's sort of timely. The fake Italian didn't win though, it was a Belgie that took the podium.

Eliot Smith is boring and had a wimpy singing voice. Buckley was pretty great, certainly a limited catalog, but so it goes.
Check out his dad on the Monkees though, eerie…

James Franco IS Jeff Buckley

The story is only a page and a half long, so it's not like it's such a big achievement.

Get Carrot Top!

Well, there's Kurt Angle, he was an Olympic champion. And the guy that plays the owner of WWE is actually the owner. But yeah, it's scripted. Still they get messed up really badly. The guy that was Mankind and Cactus Jack wrote a book about it called "Blood,Sweat and Socks."

I am shocked, Shocked, at that accusation.

I got Jennifer Garner. And I'm ok with that.

Her ass is on continuous loop in the sidebar, but people are going to pay $10 to see it on the big screen?

"Withnail & I" did the Gay Panic meme before it was cool.

This might be an opportune moment to say that I haven't tired of the Portman's ass loop.

My made-up Eszterhas line:
"Let's run it up the flagpole and see who sucks it off."

Verhoven's "The 4th Man" is a twisted one.
Remember the big stink while "Basic Instinct" was being filmed? Total letdown, after all the scandal it failed to pander.