Mr. Prig

wet feathers.

No, Led Zeppelin did not give birth to punk. Um, you never listened to much punk did you?

It's because the Ramones fucking rock and the Misfits are a novelty act.

Shit. How old is Sarah Polly?

That was Uma Thurman, not Sara Polly.

Liked Munchausen except for Robin Williams. Loved Time Bandits.

In three year's time
If I visit this website, I will find those arguing that the Time Bandits remake was under-rated.

After cap assumes correct rakish angle, musical crescendo and quick cut to montage of Kutcher & Biebes hustling in a shopping mall.

That sounds like a Dead Head scene, which is not a good thing.

Two good books about punk rock. "England's Dreaming" by that Savage guy, not Michael or Dan. But more importantly, and especially if you want to know American influences, "Please Kill Me" by Legs McNeil.

True Story
"back in the day" a buddy and I were eating pizza in the Fillmore. This gangsta guy walks up and asks where my friend got his t-shirt, which I thought was kind of unusually because the hip hop guys didn't go for punk rock. My friend was wearing a Ramones shirt, this guy had only seen the back which said in

Late 1960's Cambodian Power Pop was the first punk rock.

You know, this is the second time that "it all sounds the same" comes up recently.
I've heard the same about so many different types of music, usually by the kind of listeners that listen to "college rock," and think that their tastes are revolutionary Geeze, if you're hearing something for the first time let it

Pizza? I wan sum.

Shit, I knew if the Giants ever won a series we'd never hear the end of it. STFU already.

I bought some Desert Strom cards because it was too disgusting a product to pass on. The Pee Wee Fun Packs were the shit. Damn, I wish I had some of those.

@AJR Also, there's a video of her playing one of her hits in some college radio station. Just her on the piano cabaret style (of course). She's got the chops.

Yeah, Peaches has some bitchin' tracks. Also Miss Kitten and the Hacker. I wish I knew more about the punker aspects of club music, but I turned up my nose at the genre for a long time.

I'm typing on an tiny ASUS laptop keyboard. I tend to be a lousy proof reader anyway. Especially when I'm impatient to express my wild enthusiasm for Gaga.

She not treading on new ground, but Gaga has some good dance tracks. Unlike some of her obvious predecessors, she seems to be a genuine freak.
I respect that.