Mr. Prig

I was recently looking at the title tracks as I had talked about how it should have been great double album, rather then a "bloated" triple. The kids version of "Career Opportunities" would go, but everything else I like.

of course you do Karla.

Sorcerer, a remake of the excellent Wages of Fear, is also excellent.

Incidentally, William Winant called me a fag recently. And I'm the only person I know that doesn't despise Oingo Boingo.

Thanks Otto, this is the list I was waiting for.

The Ghost Town EP is still a favorite. Rico's trombone solo, smokey.

Juer Jurra beat me to it. Me, I kind of pretend that Cut the Crap isn't a Clash album. It's like the soundtrack to Sid and Nancy, or a Strummer solo work or something.

I was hating Yoko before it was cool.

@an owl. That's what I was thinking. I first remember the series when I was living in SF. Puck was dragging a film crew around. If it seems contrived on TV you should see it it person.

Cate Blanchett IS Nick Charles.


The first one is great, they go downhill (as all sequels do) from there.

28 Seasons?
Since 1983? Or is my math as bad as my proof reading?

even with autotune it sounds like she's singing out of her nostrils.

@Lum-chan is My Waifu

You left out
Betty Blue

Why sympathetic? Is there one Cheney policy you can point to that you think made the world a better place? His is a legacy of spite, avarice and lies.

Rucj (Limbaugh, not the Styx-like band) was doing a butt-load oxyconton, and FOX was fine with that.

It's worst that that song where the guys wants to "Hold you to the fear in me subsides," or "We both break down and cry."