Mr. Prig

You want to know the worst, most pompous, cringe-inducing lyric ever put to music? Ok, here it is:
"We thought that they were angles, but much to our surprise
We climbed aboard their starship and headed for thee SKIEZZZZ"

It's nostalgia for me. Doing dumb-ass Sunday chores with He-Haw on in the background, when I'd rather be doing something else.
Agreed, I like it a lot more now then then.

I always though Karl Malden in Streets of San Francisco was an attempt a this convention. A detective past his prime working a city that is becoming more foreign to him with each passing year.

The scene featuring Sterling Hayden through the reflected glass at the beach is Altamen/Zsigmond at their peak. This is a great film.

There's a difference between campy and creepy.

CGI dinosuars, that's a new one.

Shouldn't that be:
"AVPVTVCVRCVZVVVW: Witch you gonna DEUX about it"?

Typos, typos, typos. Thousands of dead Japanese and this illiterate survives.

@ Flaubert
No kidding. Years ago I moved to Oakland from SF. Whenever I cross the pond (thats what people in the SF Bay Area call it when to go across the bay), I am dumbfounded as to the general stinky-ness of San Francisco.
I mean, it's gotta be bad when a fiscally impoverished city like Oakland smells like roses in

Jackson's vision can be grandiose, but he hammers out the films like clockwork.
Given the diminishing quality of successive projects, I *wish* he'd contract "Gilliam-itis."

@ mr. obvious
Yeah, I know that the movement is to criminalize non-violent drug offenses. Re-read my post. My point was that the production and sale of recreational drugs creates an environment of violence regardless as to whether or not the drug is "legal."
Drug culture exacerbates the worst aspects of poverty. I

I have problems with decriminalization. A crack head has still got to pay for his crack. The crimes are still going to be there.
In Oakland pot (certainly among least dangerous of drugs) has more or less been decriminalized. The growers booby-trap their warehouses, and stock them with pit bulls and gun wielding thugs.

You can find what HDB describes in a lot of major cities, but Oakland CA ain't one of 'em.

Ugliest art design since "Ants."

Mistake: It was the director's rough cut that got a very limited release. See it if you can, it's really cool.

Hey charlie Brown-
My favorite version is the first director's cut, before they released the "Special Addition." I think that the 1st director's cut only used original footage and was pretty much the film as originally intended.
There really are four versions floating around. Theatrical, then a director's rough cut,

That one would make a damn good movie. I'd see it.

Some comedy survives.

I'll hop aboard this backlash…

Yep, the unicorn man, the unicorn.