Mr. Prig

Why don't they release a new edit instead. "Bladerunner - The Gaffer's Cut," say. I've now seen four different versions already.

Ridley Scott
Scott is an interesting one. If I were to name favorite directors I might overlook him. But were I to name favorite films:
The Duelists;
He peaked early but that's three of my all time favorites right there.

Bladerunner was huge film for me.
I'm sure I'm alone in this, but while the first Alien film is one of my all time favorites, The idea that film becoming a franchise is no less offensive than this.
I'm annoyed, but not surprised, and it's going to be pretty easy for me to ignore these.

Sergio Leone double bill at the Castro. It allowed me to set a personal record for sitting down.

It's depressing because, despite the manic energy of the young actor who played the emigre mechanic, you could feel his life would come to an end to early.
But that Judd Hirsch, such a mensch.

What's a chaffing dish?

No joke.
No mention of it in the NY Times, Last night I was surprised when I realized the story is huge in the regular news media, and not just in the entertainment coverage.

"alot" is actually supposed to be two words. Look it up.

But of course the re-release of the Star Wars trilogy sucked.

Albert Brooks too, right? It's been awhile.

I think this is a great trend.
Theaters hopefully get some more business, the public gets exposed to better movies. Film geeks get to see old favorites on the big screen. I hope the trend doesn't devolve in Dirty Dancing re-releases.
And to Senior Bagofcrap, Sergio Leone on the big screen is unbeatable. In the final

Oh ShIT! Mike Myers is in this movie? Fuck, Q.T. hit a new low. And you guys are still defending him? Suckers.

One really sweet thing about living in Oakland CA, Nobody displays those stupid rebel flags.

Good call. I'd see it again if re-released. Most rep houses would be too proud to show this. There's a theatre in downtown Berkeley - yeah THAT Berkeley - that's been showing older, non-arty stuff from the 80's for awhile now.

During the filming of Pulp Fiction S. L. Jackson tried to get Q.T. to substitute "n**ga for "n**ger" in the scene with Q.T.'s cameo.
Q.T. didn't understand the difference and refused (according to Mr. Jackson).

Seems to me people lose their shit if you say you don't care for his films.

They will remove the satirical elements. Also the robots will be CG'd. And it will suck in general. Guess who isn't going to see this?

Kurt Cobain
Recently read that the Clash's Sandanista! "didn't let him get into punk until years later."

God no please. I love Cormac McCarthy's work. I'm probably alone on these pages with respect to the popular opinion of Tarantino, but McCarthy/Tarantino is not a good fit.

A torture scene.