Mr. Prig

No kidding. In the more recent photos he's looking really worn. His pallor, gray, his visage marred by deep lines that seemed to have appeared over night. His health has got have been seriously compromised.

Also, Bladerunner, Terminator. From 1985 on Hollywood ate its young with bombastic sequels.

Best use of the F*** Bomb
"You've gotta be fuckin' kidding."

I just had to throw down in agreement about "Only Angles Have Wings." One of my all time favorites.

@ fastnsloppy
SPOT ON! Extra points.

I've read "The Fountainhead." I felt obliged to read at least one of her books. It's laughably bad, and her politics are, um rife with contradiction.

@ schadenfreude
Yeah, she didn't like corrupt rich folk. Also, poor people were either bums or sluts. Also, she liked working people if they knew their place; just above the bums and sluts.

My favorite King story is a short from Night Shift. The Hammer Murderer. i think I threw the book across the room on finishing.

San Francisco's new ballpark has a bronze statue of Willie McCovy out front. Except it's not bronze. It's styrofoam covered with some kind of epoxy painted to look bronze.
The cheap bastards.

impaled by rebar. Ouch. I heard a true story about that stuff that still makes me cringe.

I really wanted to like Punch Drunk. I've always despised Sandler's schtick (damn, that stupid baby voice he always uses), and yes, he killed the film.

Ellison vs Scientology
Time to dig that fallout shelter in the back yard.

7% Solution
Started the trend in the 70's, no? Freud meets Sherlock Holmes? And of course H.G. Wells (yeah, I know he wasn't fictional but his time traveler was) meeting Jack the Ripper.
No Morlocks meeting Werewolves in Olde London however cool that would be.

Don't make me choose between Kirk and Picard.
During TNG's run we had a party where people could vote on the subject. A tanker just back from Desert Storm almost started throwing punches because Shattner was losing.
True story.

Fastr and cheaper-
Insteaa of a remake, why not do a George Lucas edit with lots of cute CGI alien babies inserted into various scenes. Today's teens eat that shit up.

I always thought them to be insufferable whiners. The "rock-n-roll stop traffic" thing sealed the deal.

I was thinking the same thing.
I don't remember the guy's name, but if he's still alive five bucks says he's a born again.

People, The Green Slime theme:

I remember really liking the book, I was probably 15 when I read it. Seemed like a great candidate for a film. Despite years working in a video shoppe I somehow never got around to seeing the Chase vehicle.

a "reimagining" huh?
Funny how often the Poochy scenario proves itself the perfect model for the entertainment industry.