Mr. Prig

God damn Army Jeep.

sheeet, lot's of doubles these days.
Anyways, Brad Davis, Jeff Daniels, Eric Boggosian, Peter Gallagher, and a bunch of Altman regulars. Surprised it didn't get a mention:

"Short Cuts is his only truly great film"

Popeye. It's a re-make of McCabe and Mrs. Miller.

The Caine Mutiny Court Martial
An HBO special, based on the play and a success that gave him renewed credibility in Hollywood. It's a very tight little film and well worth it.

The Caine Mutiny Court Martial
An HBO special, based on the play and a success that gave him renewed credibility in Hollywood. It's a very tight little film and well worth it.

Not to be overly critical, but shouldn't Wonder Woman look kinda athletic? Linda Carter actually looked like she could kick someone's ass. This one looks like she'd have a hard time jogging around the block.

Yacht Rock was even more unwieldy and square. This was like J.R.R. Tolkien on cocaine.

I want a Fleetwood Mac docudrama!

or Ricky nelson in Rio Bravo.

New movie, same monster
Whatever, the monster will end up looking like every other CG monster (Super 8, Cloverfield, Alien), cartoony, and not at all scary. Maye kind of steam punk/tim burton for this one.

I'm giving up on movies. Gonna buy a tv set.

Wouldn't be surprised, he's the king of self-promotion. In the mid 90s he bought the rights to a bunch of old exploitation films. Under his release the boxes were titled as though he had made them:
Quentin Tarantino's "Switchblade Sisters.

only 20,000 pressed lack the cut. Your's might e worth a little more.


Their sound has a lot more in common with Neil Young, Tom Petty than with the Stooges or the Pistols. I never bought the Nirvana as a punk band thing.

They always sounded like classic rock.

on the other hand, driving while on the cell phone is supposed to be as dangerous as having a blood/alcohol % twice over the legal limit. This also bothers me but I don't see M.A.D.D. doing anything about that one.

I think that Ebert's comment was typical of the first reaction (and no, this isn't a firstie attempt, I see ieshido up there) anybody who has had to deal with the repercussions of a drunk driver. I've lost friends and been very close to becoming a casualty of one myself.

I had an Odorama card thumbtacked to my b-board for years. It kind of made my room smell like farts.