Mr. Prig

fucking magnets, how do they work?

sheet lobsters- nice rant going but you finish with the creepy anti gay stuff. what the fuck, you're not really that stupid, i'm pretty sure of it. posting drunk again? closeted? what up?

You know who else was in "Jacob's Ladder"? McCaley Caulkin, that "Home Alone" kid. Kinda changes the mood of the end of the film.

A great early cameo
Christopher Guest as Robert Ford (that dirty little coward, I wonder how he feels?) in Walter Hill's "The Long Riders."
If you're in a mood for Westerns in the wake of the "True Grit" remake this one is not to be overlooked. The Carradines, the Keaches, and the Quaids. Also,a Ry Cooder/David

You know what my favorite Christmas Movie is?
Well, maybe "It's a Wonderful Life," I don't know. Do the holiday specials count?
Anyway, best non-traditional Christmas film, hands down, is "The Lion in Winter" with Peter O'Tool and Katherine Hepburn. The King lets the estranged queen out of the keep for the holiday.

Don't forget it was during the Battle of Bastogne (the Bulge) that the massacre of U.S. P.O.W.s at Malmedy by the Waffen S.S. took place. From all the accounts I've read, it's unlikely (rightfully) pissed off American troops would be entertaining Germans with Christmas cheer.

Shutup. Darby owned the role.

Always thought the"Best Western Ever" title was misguided. One of the great things about the genre is how well it's interpreted by different directors, cultures, eras.

@ Garn Blanston
"Don't let on more than you have to."

Yep, couldn't have an article mention Wayne w/o a bunch of people quoting the "Repo Man" line over and over again.

I read some online account of Winona's allegations. All the commentators of the site think it's all a smear job because Gibson made "The Passion."

Annoying mall goth. And she butchered the song.

There's a history with Mel. Waaay back, like "Lethal Weapon" era, I remember reading an account of an interview in which Mel started jumping around, pointing at his butt and saying something like "tell all the homos this is exit only,nothing goes in there," or some such crap. I imagine a web search would turn it up.

It would be merciful if Amanda Palmer used autotune.

Agreed. Her vocals are weak, and sound fucking contrived. Neutral Milk Hotel shouldn't really be attempted by poseurs.
There's this though:

Yeah, odd the Confederate obsession of Hollywood. Despite all the "rebel mystique" and the clap-trap of revisionists, the fuckers were fighting for the right to own slaves. Gotta love it when Johnny Reb bites the dust.

not a happy place
First reaction on seeing that photo is that Thora shares the same twisted half-smile and glazed look about the eyes as an old girlfriend of mine. The old girlfriend had been sexually molested up to her early teens, she didn't remember when it started.

The best part of Alien 3 is that Newt is dead in the first act. That was worth the price of admission.
"Bweak da glass" indeed.

The "Prequel" already exists…
It's called "Planet of the Vampires." Look it up people, because it's a fairly spectacular case of plagerism.