Mr. Prig

A horrible film with great aliens.

Yep,Ed Wood is great. Burton made three good films and a lot of crap.

Pee Wee's Big Adventure;
Ed Wood.

What's ironic about DeadMcMahon's story is that REM really and truly suck! Yeesh, talk about elevator music.

The original score for 1984 is Wagner-esque. Certainly a better fit for the film.
The Eurythmics track was added as a commercial compromise, and only makes a brief appearance in the film.

John Williams = Derivative hack.

Masterpiece. That and High Fidelity are Cusick's best films.

I thought Wendy Carlos invented the moog.

Oooh yeah, good one. Who knew Harry Dean Stanton could sing so well?

Thank You Keith Phipps!
For acknowledging the two reeds of soundtracks: the albums comprised of hits from the film, and those that are actually scored.
As for me, of the first group I'd suggest "Dance Craze" a great live ska compilation, (most of the Two-Tone catalog). The sound track for the under appreciated Sam

@ Subway Justice-

Rollins is weak
totally self defensive, worried he wasn't cool enough to be in the shop, and probably realizing that every one of his "accomplishments" was pretty superficial.
I mean really people, he was a late comer to Black Flag, and his books are crap.

Rollins blows minds for a living. Or was that Jello Biafra? Anyway, Rollins made punk rock safe for agro jocks types.
There was a funny story of him and Lydia Lunch working at the same Mrs. Fields cookie shop. I can't remember the details, but she later pleaded publicly for him to get an editor 'cause he seems to

"For the majority of a child's school-going life, teachers have the obvious upper hand."
That's the theory anyway, but what I know about is Oakland, and down here, you're on your own.

"Fuckin' magnets, how do they work?
And I don't wanna talk to a scientist
Y'all motherfuckers lying and
getting me pissed."

When are they going to cut Elvis Costello a check for stealing the name?

It's interesting to note
That the radio show was first and inspiration for the book.

And on a serious note-
Anyone see the footage of William Gaines addressing congress when EC was facing censorship back in the 50's? Those guys backed it up.

The entire EC collection
is pretty great.
The over sized reprints of the original full color comics. But the usual gang of idiots also did great work with the horror comics and war stories. Sadly not available in full color.
Imma gonna have to throw down for that CD ROM.

Yep, the road kill bit was brilliant.
The final gag, "squueeeeeessssshshshh" pretty much one of the more disgusting illustrations, in vivid black and white, still etched upon my brain.