Mr. Prig

The question is
what to do with little piles of sausages?

I watched 5th Element recently
And the scene at the end where she and Bruce Willis are making out? Ew, gross.

I saw it when I was like, 12 or so. I remember liking it, and that the guy in the lead was the same actor that played Starfleet Officer Christopher Pike. I think it also featured footage of Yosemite's firefall, but could be wrong.

I was taken aback by that comment as well. Feeling a little self important are we AVClub?

Mean Joe Green says it's ok to cry.
'cause cryin' takes the sad out of you.

"You're not to drunk if you can lay down without holding on."

Burl Ives was cast as Big Daddy in "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" after Richard Brooks saw him punch out a heckler during one of his folk performances. True story. (Did I get that right, or did I have another brain fart?)

New Yorker ran a fairly comprehensive article about it last year.
Anyone insisting that it was consensual, that he did his time, or that the girl was almost of age should probably read it. Seems to me there's something sick about drugging and sodomizing a crying 13-year old who was pleading to be taken home, but I'm

Um, you could count "married to the Mob" as a sequel. Or an equal. It was written by the ex-wife of "Henry Hill," her version of the same story.

"Over the Edge" was written as a vehicle foe the Sex Pistols film. True story. And yes, it did rule.

What was the Nicole Kidman thing, she's a social climbing weather girl? I liked that one.

I was going to set the record straight on that, then I remembered you're a troll.

There's still one in Berkeley, CA. Right across the street where the old Reel Video (a Hollywood Video property) used to be.
Reel closing down, now that was a loss that I still feel. I'll use Netflix, but it's no substitute for a massive brick and mortar videotique run be a freakshow staff.

"Do you have that movie with that guy in it?" Never worked at Blockbuster, but frequently attempted to answer that question in another video store.

John Legend
No, listen to John Legend, he's the shit,kicks ass eight ways to china.

The "Ripping Yarns" series shouldn't be missed. Much more like the better of the Python films than any other Python related project.

The only way to ruin a Python related project is to add Robin Williams. He nearly sank Meunchausen. (sp?). Imagine if Connery had done the Moon King role as was intended.

Seems that if this is a Python project, you should also count Jones' "The Wind and the Willows," which was made more recently than "Meaning of Life."

I'd alwaysloved the Smiths-
And I kept meaning to pick up a couple of their C.D.s, but…

I've said it before, and must reiterate: