"Steve Newlin is still a dick!"
"Steve Newlin is still a dick!"
I was thinking that Bart was lying. From the way he talked about Flash I thought maybe Flash was actually dead or unable to run in the future because of how Bart was talking about Barry being "in his prime."
I was thinking that Bart was lying. From the way he talked about Flash I thought maybe Flash was actually dead or unable to run in the future because of how Bart was talking about Barry being "in his prime."
When Daniel said: "One more secret. That's not even the biggest one, right?" with regards to Jack.
When Daniel said: "One more secret. That's not even the biggest one, right?" with regards to Jack.
I thought the moment when Seven Devils started playing and Lydia and Victoria were walking to onto the plane was perfect.
I thought the moment when Seven Devils started playing and Lydia and Victoria were walking to onto the plane was perfect.
There was a little interview with Lena Dunham about the episode after I watched it and she said Hannah was projecting her fears onto her friend, but didn't have the self-awareness to see that.
There was a little interview with Lena Dunham about the episode after I watched it and she said Hannah was projecting her fears onto her friend, but didn't have the self-awareness to see that.
I think they were an example of poor use of 'Props'.
"Ray Rice he play nice."
Selina was terrible in the hospital; she should really work on that. JLD's face after the woman said her injuries was internal was amazing.
It probably is very special for someone to learn it without being taught, but little girls were being taught two episodes later without much fanfare.
Healing wasn't something only adept benders could do. It was only taught to females in the Northern Water Tribe which is why we never saw any one do it
If the show only gets 13 episodes and starts midseason, 6 months would have passed by then. That might happen, right?
I think the same thing everytime I see her.
And it felt kind of strange to see her standing and walking in this episode.
On Twitter said Mike Schur said this was "Donna's Ultimate Sacrifice."
They sensor the "hole" part. You can say ass though!
The show was just as funny on.the second viewing.
I don't think she was an example of public stupidity. He was a reporter in her yogurt shop. In her mind there's no reason for him to be there if not to write about yogurt.