I really convinced myself that Alicia was going to get shot at the end of the episode. That would have been terrible and I'm glad that the writers are not my imagination.
I really convinced myself that Alicia was going to get shot at the end of the episode. That would have been terrible and I'm glad that the writers are not my imagination.
I wonder if he got rights to Coldplay's "Strawberry Swing" because he did the same thing there. It's really great, too.
I liked Sharon Needles, too and I don't always love edgy queens. But, she was so excited about Elvira and she was funny interacting with the zombies so she won me over.
They did do an episode with all Fleetwood Mac songs last season, it was appropriately called "Rumours". Or were you joking? I can't tell.
I thought this was the worst episode this season.