
My heart dropped when she told him to clean the mess up himself. We all knew where that would lead and just watching him pick up toys was incredibly tense.

The teacher really irks me. Jane is nicer than I would have been, but I'm glad she took Ziggy to counseling because it seems like she really needed to hear that Ziggy's a good kid.

I thought this was a good episode, but a strange and dispiriting way to end a season.

I don't know if it's my cable provider, or Logo, but the video quality on VH1 is a billion times better. I was so happy to see non-grainy queens!

Early on Jeff said something negative about Cydney's chances and it cut to her face and she looked so incredibly focused and intense that I was sure she was going to win. There were some great shots in there.

I thought it was odd that Nick never checked in with Adalind after he'd been briefed about what was happening and the potential danger his son was in. I know he was busy, but the Big Bad is going after the woman he cares for and she was just alone to make that decision.

Same here. I skipped over that entire episode that was about Jackson and April's relationship.

She's getting a lot of work. This is the fourth show I've seen her in this year.

I was irritated that Hook and Emma wasted more time discussing their boring relationship this episode. There has to be something more important or interesting to do somewhere.

Geri Halliwell was a Spice Girl.

I looked for the life-savings girl in the people who went through segment, but I didn't see her. It was also super fast, so maybe I missed her. It was kind of sad to just leave that out there.

I've never been so angry watching a reality show. That's just not how a person should be treated. Fuck him. And Mike was the only person there to stick up for Shirin. That's so sad to me.

If she doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it. It probably says something about their relationship that she isn't trusting Eddie here, but I won't blame Iris (or Eddie) for not being the perfect girlfriend(boyfriend) in this situation. If she believed every lie she's been told on this show people would be calling

I just don't see how it's a character flaw of Iris' that she is picking that Eddie's lying to her. Barry can say it's police work, Eddie can say it too, but can't it be the case that she knows him well enough to see it's something else?
Joe and Barry are assholes for putting him in that situation, but it's not Iris'

Bee careful!

But, Eddie doesn't want to keep Barry's secret from her. It's harder to lie to your fiancee's face if you're not convinced you need to be lying.

I really need Felicity to take the cry out of her voice post-haste because it's the worst. Even when she's not crying she sounds like she's crying. I don't get why the writers are making these choices with her character.

Dante was freed last episode. Cage left the door to his room open and told him to come to level five when he was ready.

I really didn't believe the Grounders had left after Part 1. I know Lexa was supposed to be more a more calculating less violent leader, but if anyone deserved some Grounder justice it was Mt. Weather. They kidnapped Grounders, bled them, turned them into Reapers… So, truce?